Nom masculin : Chez les fougères épiphytes ou grimpantes, type de feuille, souvent immature et stérile, morphologiquement distincte des feuilles matures supérieures, servant parfois de base d'ancrage et de soutien.
Notes : Ex.: Teratophyllum (Lomariopsidaceae)
Références :, A Modern Multilingual Glossary for Taxonomic Pteridology by David B. Lellinger. Departmentof Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560-0166. American FernSociety, Inc. 2002.,
Antonymes : acrophylle
Termes anglais : bathyphyll.
Notes de travail : In a climbing plant, a leaf produced by the immature plant, which is physcially distinct from the leaves produced by the mature plant., a specialized leaf that is produced at the base of a plant, usually when the plant is immature, and which serves to anchor the plant to a substrate; especially notable in the fern Teratophyllum.